Obama Responds to Rumors About Michelle Running for President in 2024
Rumors of Michelle Obama’s potential presidential run have been swirling since the beginning of election season. The notion has people speculating as to what this would mean for the current front runners: Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
In the past, Michelle has denied any interest in running for president but a recent interview with her husband and former President of the United States, Barack Obama, have people wondering if it’s passible that Michelle might be planning a secret candidacy run.
How the Rumor Mill Started
The rumors really started when famous podcaster Joe Rogan hinted on his podcast that Michelle would make a strong contender for the 2024 Presidential election. The clip came out in February of 2023 and has gained an immense amount of traction since.

Source: YouTube
This started the conversation which has continued to spread across the internet and through political discussion since. The Obamas have had very little to say on the matter, which has only fueled the fire even more.
Politicians Weigh In
The conversation is being had at the political level as well. It appears, more than just fans on Twitter are thinking there is a possibility of Michelle running for the Presidency.

Source: Alamy
Former Republican candidate and Texas politician, Ted Cruz, even went so far as to speculate that Michelle could replace Joe Biden as the frontrunning democratic candidate. Cruz stated on his podcast, “In August of 2024, the Democrat kingmakers jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama”.
Michelle Has Denied the Rumors
In the past, Michelle has always shut down rumors of her seeking Presidency. While her political ambitions are obvious, she had never stated that she was interested in another stint in the White House.

Source: michelleobama/ Instagram
Michelle has remained largely quiet on the politics as of late. She was most recently seen vacationing with Stephen Spielberg and Tom Hanks off the coast of Italy. But the internet was lit aflame with rumors again in a recent incident involving Barack Obama.
Barack Supports Michelle
Barack Obama has always made it clear that he would support his wife in any ambitions she chooses to follow. And he has explicitly stated that he would provide all his support if she chose to run for President.

Source: michelleobama/ Instagram
The couple have always provided a united front so it is not surprising that Barack would support his wife if she chose to throw her hat in the ring. But his recent response to Paparazzi’s line of questioning regarding the matter made people question if the man is being completely honest about his wife’s political intentions.
The Incident That Made More Questions Come to Light
Barack was seen leaving a Beverly Hills restaurant on South Santa Monica Boulevard recently. He was accompanied by multiple security guards rather than his wife.

Source: Getty Images
He was greeted by paparazzi and a line of questioning that, of course, included speculation about his wife’s political agenda. Rather than putting the rumors to bed then and there, the former President remained completely silent. He didn’t offer any comment on the possibility of Michelle making a bid for the White House.
Michelle's Past in Politics
Michelle’s political past is no secret. She was an incredibly active first women during her 8 years in the White House. One of her most well-known initiatives was the Let’s Move program.

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This program encouraged kids to get up and get exercising. It aims to challenge childhood obesity in America.
Other Political Ambitions
Another one of her initiatives helped to provide support for military families. Her first book “Becoming” was a New York top seller and allowed people to take a peak into her childhood and how she got into politics.

Source: Instagram
She has continued to do work for many underserved communities since her time in the White House ended in 2017.
Why Michelle Doesn't Want to Run
Since Michelle has always denied that she would be interested in throwing her hat in the ring for Presidency, she has been asked on multiple occasions why the White House is not of interest to her. She has accrued quite the following.

Source: Wikipedia
In her own words, Michelle states, “It’s all well and good until you start running, and then the knives come out. Politics is tough, and it’s hard on a family”. It is clear that Michelle would rather focus on her husband and 2 daughters.
2024 Election Looming
The 2024 election is looming and many people predict Trump and Biden will go head to head once again. Though Michelle may not be involved in this election, some fans still hold on to hope that she will replace Biden as the democratic party’s candidate.

Source: YouTube