From Ground Zero To Deceptive Claims: Biden’s Truth-Telling Problem
President Joe Biden has a track record of not being entirely forthcoming with the truth.
Least Truthful Politician
This revelation may not come as a surprise to many, given his history of making inaccurate statements during his tenure as a senator, vice president, and now president. In the eyes of many, Biden ranks among the least truthful politicians in America.

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Biden's Falsehoods
One might expect that if Democrats or the mainstream media held themselves to the same standards they applied to former President Donald Trump, the public would be well aware of Biden’s penchant for falsehoods.

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False Claim
However, despite all of his untruths, Biden reached a new low when he made a false claim about his presence at Ground Zero the day after the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

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Biden Falsely Recalls Being In New York City
Biden stated, “Ground Zero in New York — I remember standing there the next day and looking at the building. And I felt like I was looking through the gates of hell. It looked so devastating because of the way you could, from where you could stand. Shanksville, Pennsylvania, the Pentagon in Virginia — I spent many 9/11s in those hollow grounds to bear witness and remember those we lost.”

Source: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
He Was In Washington D.C.
According to the New York Post, which referred to Biden’s autobiography, Promises to Keep, on September 12, 2001, Biden was in Washington, D.C., not New York City. There was no mention of him visiting New York in his book, as he himself wrote, “I headed back to the Capitol the next morning.”

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Evidence Contradicted His Claim
The New York Post also cited two pieces of evidence contradicting Biden’s claim. Firstly, C-SPAN had footage of Biden’s Senate speech on September 12, 2001. Secondly, a Gannett news wire report described Biden’s day, beginning with the sentence: “Delaware Sen. Joe Biden spent Wednesday exactly where he wanted — in the U.S. Senate.”

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Made An Appearance Days After 9/11
Additionally, CNN reported that an anonymous White House official emailed the network, stating, “The President first visited the World Trade Center nine days after the September 11 terrorist attacks as part of a bipartisan delegation from the Senate.”

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Embellishing His Background
It’s one thing to exaggerate one’s background or make embellished claims, as Biden has done regarding his religious practices, church attendance during college, cultural affiliations, and even considering altering his last name. Such pandering and cultural exploitation are regrettable.

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Misled The Public
However, when the President of the United States lies about being present at Ground Zero the day after 9/11, it is a disgrace, plain and simple. There’s no sugarcoating it: Biden misled the public.

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Questioning His Credibility
From false statements about his grandfather’s death and his birth to the circumstances of his son’s passing and fictitious accounts of his participation in civil rights protests, Biden’s credibility is in question.

Source: Bettmann/ Contributor
No Accountability
This is particularly perplexing given that he emphasized the importance of honesty during his presidential campaign. Yet, he seems to face little accountability for his falsehoods. This raises a troubling question: Why does he continue to escape consequences?

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He Should Apologize To America
The President of the United States utilized one of the most tragic events in the nation’s history for political gain. It’s reprehensible and disrespectful to the memory of all those who lost their lives. Biden should be held accountable for his deception, and the nation should expect an apology.

Source: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Pattern Of Dishonesty
Moreover, this incident should serve as a stark reminder to the entire country about Biden’s lack of integrity and character. Biden has exhibited a pattern of dishonesty, showing that he is willing to exploit anyone or anything if it serves his political agenda—even the gravest terrorist attack in the history of our country.

Source: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images